
Fundraising is not all fun and games – unless you’re conducting a toy fundraiser. Toy fundraisers are one of the newer traditional-style fundraisers that involve a brochure or catalogue, a script, and a fresh-faced salesman offering to take your order and deliver the goods to you a few weeks later.

The catalogues typically include board games and a wide range of toys that are either educational or just plain fun and you can expect profits in the 40% range. Another variation involves an on-line store in which your customers order directly from the provider, with your group collecting a commission on the sale.

The internet method has a lower profit margin, but requires less effort than the face-to-face method and has the advantage of letting you sell product outside of your community. In addition to the toyspeople you see every day, contact friends and family living out of town and ask them to order through the provider’s web site.

They will either need to order from a special web page or enter a special code to make sure that your group gets credit for the sale. At the end of the fundraiser, a check for the pre-negotiated profits (usually 15% – 20%) will be mailed to you.

The beauty of this fundraiser is that is requires no up front investment and very little work – the money is collected by the web site and the toys are shipped directly to the customer.

Toy fundraisers are best suited for younger groups with the best prospective customers being families with small children. Though the product has year-round appeal, a toy fundraiser is a nice alternative during the gift giving season when so many gift wrap and food items are being promoted.

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