Selling stationery and greeting cards for your school is a nice way raise school spirit and raise money at the same time.
Though most groups schedule this kind of fundraiser with the Hanukkah and Christmas Seasons in mind, items like all-occasion card assortments, recipe cards and file folders offer year-round possibilities.
Almost everyone needs stationery at some point in their life and the program works equally well as a direct sale or as an order-taker operation.
Raising money with greeting cards or stationery is hardly new, and there are many programs to choose from. Several offer standard pre-printed stationery, note card packs and calendars— all typical stationery items. The average sale is $15.00 with an average gross profit of 50%.

Fancy greeting cards
These programs are easy to organize without a lot of advance planning and don’t require a huge commitment. If you are looking for low-risk and low-key, this is a good option.
The Custom Option
A little more demanding, but infinitely more exciting is custom stationery or greeting cards featuring original artwork by your students. This requires minimal up-front investment – the cards will still be pre-sold via a brochure, but there is a small fee to create the brochure once you’ve selected the artwork you want to use.
The “feel good” factor is practically off the scale – there is a personal attachment to the product by both the buyer and the seller and everyone is happy about the contribution they’re making to a good cause.
Most providers offer gross of around 35%, although there are few who offer more.