
There comes a time when parents and schools become tired of the time-commitments required by many of the traditional fundraising approaches.

What they’re looking for instead is a fundraising strategy that would require no up-front costs, minimal investment of their time and something that is desirable and capable of generating significant funds.

Picture and portrait fundraisers stir up a lot of interest among students and their families, always bringing an element of fun and unforgettable moments.

This idea can offer a lot of variation; the school and the photo studio can organize a family portrait day (suitable for any organization or group) or a typical picture day (traditional school portrait program).

How It Works

  • The school and the photo studio select a day for taking the pictures
  • Notices and order forms are sent to parents who prepare and choose for the preset packages
  • A team of professional photographs comes to school on the day requested. The photographer will work with the participants to accommodate their portrait requests
  • Within a few weeks after the photography sessions, the parents and students will receive the final photos.
See? She likes having her picture taken.

All smiles on picture day.

Things to Look Out For

Traditionally, at the end of the school portrait days, the studios may get bigger benefits than your school.

If you want to reach your financial goals, it’s always good to come to an agreement with the studios and look for alternative programs with more generous terms. In other words, shop around. They may be willing to donate a larger ratio of their profits.

There are a few programs that offer 100% profit to fundraising groups.