
Many events or ideas designed for raising money put some groups at a disadvantage if they have no seed money to start their fundraisers. If your group fits that description, you could ask for donations from supporters and even offer to reimburse them when the money comes in.

But before you go crawling on your hands and knees begging for money, consider some of these FREE fundraising ideas.

What do we mean by FREE? It simply means that it costs nothing to start these fundraisers.

Free Fundraising Idea Number One

Money machine.

Want a free website? Fundraising.com will give you a FREE online fundraising store that you can personalize with your own photos, message and share via social networks. Every non-profit group should make use of a free fundraising website like this regardless of whether they are already doing any other kind of fundraiser. Here’s why:

Your free site prompts participation with personal touches like photos, logo and a welcome message. Plus, it increases earning potential with literally hundreds of popular items.

Your free site prompts participation with personal touches like photos, logo and a welcome message. Plus, it increases earning potential with literally hundreds of popular items.

  • It’s free.
  • It’s really easy and most of the work is done for you.
  • It can be started at any time and run for as long as you want (like forever).
  • There’s no selling involved.
  • There’s no knocking on doors.
  • There’s no money to collect.
  • There’s nothing to deliver or store.
  • It can be done in conjunction with any other fundraiser.
  • Supporters shop for popular magazines (PEOPLE, TIME, Sports Illustrated, etc.), Restaurant.com Cards, cookie dough and lots of other products.
  • Your group earns up to 40% on every sale.
  • For magazine subscriptions, your supporters can choose from over 650 titles and still get a discount up to 85%.
  • It works especially well for large groups or if your group sends out a regular newsletter, since you can periodically remind your supporters.
  • It’s an easy step-by-step process anyone can do.

Remember the old way – sending out armies of kids to knock on their neighbors doors? Ugh!

Thankfully, those days are gone.

Send everyone you know (friends and family from coast to coast, your supporters, their friends and family, etc.) to your store.

“This is essentially the easiest way to raise funds for your program. People buy magazines all the time. This website allows your friends to make their purchase (for something they would have gotten anyway) at a discounted price and 40% of the proceeds go to the program. Once a month a check comes straight to your office and once just a few emails go out the fundraising is working with very little effort…” — Christine Ortiz from the Analisa Montalvo Fund

Most households subscribe to two or three magazines already. Why not let them renew their subscriptions through you, so your non-profit group benefits. Fundraising groups are signing up for free fundraising sites in droves.

You can even start your campaign using email (and they’ll send the emails out FOR you). Free fundraisers don’t get any easier. Raise money while you sit at home. Easy as pie.

Click here to start your Free Online Fundraiser.