Looking For a Creative Fundraising Idea that Generates Money and Fun?
Companies or organizations who come up with a creative fundraising idea can easily grab the attention of donors. Creative fundraising ideas that can capture the imagination of kids as well as grown-ups can be a hit with the participants. Everyone hearing about the idea will want to try their hand at it.
Such creative fund raising ideas ensure a better participation from the public. Companies will also come forward for such fund raiser activities if they are linked to their business. Organizations hosting the events may also raise additional funds on the sidelines, selling refreshments, souvenirs, booklets, photos, etc.
Here are some creative fundraisers
Huff and Puff fundraising is one of the fundraisers that can attract a lot of attention. It is a blowing contest in which each participant has to blow through a mouth piece. The force of the blow is displayed by the tabulated scale on the apparatus. Each competitor gets two chances for an amount paid.
The self adhesive arrow in the apparatus keeps track of new records made, every time. A date and time is kept for the end of the contest, when the winner is declared.
The pig can’t choose
Kiss the Pig fundraising is another interesting fundraiser enacted by youths, usually. First, each participant or school volunteer involved in the activity obtains a jar and adorns it with his/her picture. Donations are then sought from people by the jar holders. Donors put money into the jars and can contribute to anyone of their choice. Next, all the money collected is tallied.
The organizer usually throws a dinner for all those involved. Soon the money counter proclaims the winner, the one who has amassed the most contributions. Now it is the kiss-the-pig session. Beforehand, of course, someone has to find a real pig, which the winner has to kiss.
For this event, sometimes well-known faces like the principal of the school, head cheerleader, etc also join in. They also have to decorate a donation jar and kiss the pig, if they win.
GASP! Don’t look Martha!
Just like regular car wash, “Topless Car Wash Fundraising” is an exciting and creative fundraiser activity. In this, the bottom of the car gets a free wash but the top gets a paid wash. This will draw big crowds, especially from men, when they see the banners directing them to the topless car wash. They may not be able to clean their dirty minds, but they will get their cars washed and help a worthy cause.