Unleash your inner cowboy (or girl).
Whether or not your planning on ridin’ the range, a beef jerky fundraiser is a good choice for those of us not wanting to catch the sugar train and like the idea of easy-to-sell items.
Individually-wrapped beef jerky offers the convenience of snacks on the go, so you can carry them anywhere and they’ll last a long time without spoiling, making them an ideal choice for active people. Just slip a few into your backpack or saddlebags and you’re good to go.
Like a steak on a stick
The taste, nutrition, and convenience make meat sticks like Jack Links Beef Jerky a quick snack that’s ideal for hiking, camping, boating, cattle rustling, or any other activity where you’ll be out all day and away from home – even school or work.
They’re also good to keep in the car or wagon as part of an emergency readiness kit.
Like Cookie Dough Fundraising, they’re so convenient, that makes them an easy sale, which means that you’ll raise more money quickly. No more stagecoach robberies.
Your supporters will also buy beef jerky or beef sticks because they’re inexpensive, so you can give them a bargain at the same time. Combine that with the high profit margins for your group and it’s a WIN for everyone.
This is a great idea and school fundraising tool for lots of different groups, including high schools, colleges, sports teams, boy scouts and rodeos.
Beef jerky fundraising company
Fundraising.com – Featuring the Squatch Sticks and Jack Link’s beef jerky fundraiser kit. Tasty and convenient smoky sausage sticks that are individually wrapped for freshness. Each original flavor extreme beef snack stick is packed with protein for a healthier money raising idea. Click here for more ideas and a free information kit featuring beef jerky and beef snacks. Or call toll free 1-866-216-2080.
What others say…
Beef Jerky Fundraiser Saves Our Skin and Makes 10,000
My grades class trip was coming up and at the student council meeting we were talking about how to raise money and how the typical ways are so played out and do not raise much anyways. The car wash is done so often by so many groups it was out, and no one ever buys the candy or suckers when you sell them.
A fad sweeping through our halls was jerky because we live in a hick little country town sunflower seeds and jerky were in. So we looked into doing a beef jerky fundraiser to cash in on this easy snack fad.
We got it all figured out after lots of planning and decided to see it in little bundles and if you bought 5 we would give you a free bag of sunflower seeds.
We went to all the local sports and town events and sold it during lunch and breaks at school and it was a hit. We sold much more than we needed for the trip and ended up making 10,000. We plan on doing this again at least once this year and multiple times next year.
The tip I would share is go more to country places and hit up guys they love jerky. Also make deals and bundle offers.
Boys Club Retreats with Beef Jerky Fundraiser
My husband is the youth leader at our church for what is called “Boys Club” on Monday evenings for not only our young male members of our church home, but also for young male youth in our community as well. Last Spring the Boys club was looking to raise money to go to a local youth conference, and were looking for out of the box ideas for sales as girl scouts sell cookies, boyscouts sell popcorn, our church usually sells subs, etc.
After mulling it over for awhile my husband and the man who helps him from our church decided to sell beef jerky as not only is it delicious but it also appeals to men more over than women and would be great for boys to sell for our boys club at church! My husband still to this day swears that the beef jerky sold itself. This really was a great sale, and they in fact ran out of beef jerky that they had bought to sell!
They simply sent flyers out to sell this, which was a very clever idea..they mailed it out in the mail coupon packs, with our churches number, and email address and took orders that way! It was a great sale and the boys club in fact raised enough money to go on the retreat but also extra to have an end of the year party as well!!
Beef Jerky Fundraiser for the Troops
During my sophomore year in college my ROTC class needed funds for the seniors Military Ball. Usually we sold candy bars, or had a cook out during home coming where people would give us donations, but this year we had a less conventional person in charge of fund raising and his idea was to replace the usual fund raising activities and instead sell beef jerky. This person who shall not be named purchased enough beef jerky for each ROTC Cadet to have fifty pieces of beef jerky that were to be sold at a dollar per piece.
With about one hundred Cadets at our small liberal arts college of about eighteen hundred people this meant that each person at our college would have an ample supply of beef jerky. Needless to say all of us were a little skeptical about selling so much beef jerky to such a small amount of potential customers. However, we were quickly proven wrong by our new non-conventional fund raiser. Each time we sat down in class four or five people would whisper to us that they would take one, or more, pieces of beef jerky.
With four to five classes each our fifty piece of beef jerky went a lot faster then anyone expected. Within a week and a half we had raised enough money to throw a wonderful Military Ball and for my next two years of college other students would wait with anticipation for the ROTC Beef Jerky Sale.
Jerky Fundraiser Saves Our Skin and Makes 10,000
My grades class trip was coming up and at the student council meeting we were talking about how to raise money and how the typical ways are so played out and do not raise much anyways. The car wash is done so often by so many groups it was out, and no one ever buys the candy or suckers when you sell them.
A fad sweeping through our halls was jerky because we live in a hick little country town sunflower seeds and jerky were in. So we looked into doing a beef jerky fundraiser to cash in on this easy snack fad.
We got it all figured out after lots of planning and decided to see it in little bundles and if you bought 5 we would give you a free bag of sunflower seeds.
We went to all the local sports and town events and sold it during lunch and breaks at school and it was a hit. We sold much more than we needed for the trip and ended up making 10,000. We plan on doing this again at least once this year and multiple times next year.
The tip I would share is go more to country places and hit up guys they love jerky. Also make deals and bundle offers.
Home Grown Beef Jerky Fundraiser Raises a Lot
I own a meat shop locally here in Nova Scotia Canada. It has been in my family since my father opened it in the 60’s. We make all our own beef jerky here and it has been our biggest seller for almost 50 years. It is fresh, moist and never dry.
My daughters school band needed to raise money to go on a trip to New York City so i actually thought,why not go to the school and sell some jerky to the kids for a good cheap price.
There really was not a lot of work involved to be honest,just work of mouth to get it out there that I was going mobile,something I had never done before. To my surprise the whole town found out before long and I had the parents coming into the store, one of my long time customers came in and purchased 250.00 in jerky just because of the cause.
Tips to share for anyone looking to do this,the best thing to do is always find a local butcher who makes the stuff because the freshness is a key part to good jerky. The only other thing is,talk to people about it,get the word spread around whats going to be happening,make sure you give lots of notice ahead of time so people can plan to stop by. Lower prices below what you would normally sell it for/buy it for and just focus on the cause.
All in all we were able to raise 1678.57, we expanded the fundraiser over a few days as it was such a big success and now I even run a portable wagon to local baseball/soccer games and other events.